- Prof. Wainer’s profile was highlighted on the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery.
- Dr. Román Cárdenas Rodriguez obtained the Senate Medal for Academic Achievement.
- Ben Earle wins the Best Paper Award at the PhD Colloquium at ANNSIM 2024, Washinton, DC.
- Prof. Wainer won the Society for Modeling and Simulation International’s McLeod’s Founder’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession.
- Dr. Hoda Khalil is interviewed by Scientific American about cardiac responses of people listening to music.
- Prof. Wainer was interviewed on QRcalgary Mornings about forest fire simulation.
- Prof. Wainer was at CBC All in a Day with Alan Neal, discussing topics on Modeling and Simulation and applications in forest fires.
- Prof. Wainer is on the list of World’s top 2% Most-Cited researchers.
- The SUSTAIN strategic project is one of Carleton University top stories of 2022
- Ben Earle’s Ericsson Fellowship work “Exploring ML to Reconstruct 5G Channels” was featured on the Carleton University Research website.
- Cristina Ruiz-Martin has been selected as runner-up for the Best Reviewer of the Year Award, SIMULATION-Transactions of the SCS International
- Prof. Wainer obtained an NSERC CRSNG Idea-to-Innovation grant to fund the participation of Guillermo Trabes in the Lab2Market program.
- Prof. Wainer is a keynote speaker at the 12th Brazilian Congress on Software (CBSoft 2021)
- Prof. Wainer talking about school ventilation with Alan Neal @ CBC All in a Day.
- Prof. Wainer interviewed by Brian Burke 570 NEWS about well-informed decisions for reopening schools and offices.
- Rethink ventilation at schools article for The Conversation, Fr24 News, Ottawa Citizen,
- ARSLab research on indoor spread of COVID viral particles at IFLScience, The Conversation.
- ARSLab research at MacLean’s magazine
- Prof. Wainer appointed as ACM Distinguished Speaker
- Prof. Wainer is Editor-in-Chief of SIMULATION
- Special Issue on Computational Science in the Battle Against COVID-19 (vol 2.) edited by Prof. Wainer. IEEE CISE magazine
- ARSLab research at Bloomberg
- ARSLab research at Financial Post
- Ben Earle is highlighted at Carleton’s Hub for Good
- ARSLab researchers short-listed as a finalist for the DisTec challenge.
- Prof. Bernard P. Zeigler visits ARSLab
- ARSLab research highlighted at Carleton Newsroom: “Carleton Research Funds Show Rapid Growth As Researchers Shine Internationally“
- Prof. Wainer interviewed by IpCiencia about his research in Modeling and Simulation (in Spanish; news channel, Argentina)
- The Conversation, The Weather Network, National Post: Improving building ventilation can help control spread of COVID-19 during winter.
- New Concentrations: Masters in Modeling and Simulation; Masters and PhD. in Software Engineering.
- ARSLab teams led by Vinu Rajus win awards: Best 3D Game – Autodesk Forge Hackathon, Autodesk University (November); Best Hack for Humans Award, AEC Hackathon Online (October); Best Autodesk BIM 360 Project, AEC Hackathon Online (July).
- Prof. Wainer interviewed about indoor modeling for COVID. The Morning News. Global News Radio.
- Carleton News. “Modelling the spread of COVID-19 in indoor environments to help pinpoint transmission risk”
- IFLScience, The Conversation: How to prevent COVID-19 ‘superspreader’ events indoors this winter
- Prof. Wainer interviewed at Mujahid Talks. Muslim Network TV. COVID-19, second wave and UK’s anti-lockdown protests. Available online here
- The Conversation: Simulations help reduce the effects of a second wave of COVID-19
- SUSTAIN project highlighted in page 107 of Innovate Ottawa
- “Tracking the Spread: Predicting COVID-19 Transmission” Research Story about modeling COVID-19 in indoor environments
- Medium: “What’s the cost of a life in times of pandemics?” (in Spanish)
- The Conversation: Predicting possible outcomes to coronavirus and other pandemics with models and simulations.
- Prediciendo los resultados de la pandemia de coronavirus con modelos y simulación (Spanish version of the article on Medium)
- Prediciendo los resultados de la pandemia de coronavirus con modelos y simulación (Spanish version of the article on Medium)
- The Conversation: Coronavirus: how new simulations can predict the spread of future pandemics
- Coronavirus: cómo predecir la propagación de futuras pandemias usando modelos y simulación (Spanish version of the article on Medium)
- Coronavirus: cómo predecir la propagación de futuras pandemias usando modelos y simulación (Spanish version of the article on Medium)
- The Conversation: Clearer, faster, smoother: Improving online video watching on cellular networks
- Prof. Wainer will be the keynote speaker at the 2020 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Madrid, Spain.
- Ben Earle obtains an Ericsson Fellowship to work on a 5G project investigating downlink channel reconstruction
- The Conversation: Surviving nuclear disasters depends on stronger communications networks
- Prof. Wainer leads the team of Carleton researchers who have received a NSERC Strategic Partnership Grant worth $617,000 to investigate new technologies that will assist in the design of more sustainable buildings. Autodesk is the industrial partner. Read the news here: NSERC Strategic Partnerships Grant to improve Building Performance and Sustainability
- Ben Earle and his group members of his fourth year project earned the W. E Cowie Innovation Award. More can be found here.
- Prof. Wainer received the 2019 IEEE Ottawa Outstanding Engineering Award for innovative and outstanding contributions to the development of modelling and simulation of Discrete-Event Dynamic Systems.
- Bruno St. Aubin and a group of 4th year engineering students were nominated for a Best Paper Award in the Summer Simulation Conference in Berlin Germany. The paper can be found here.
- Dr. Ala’a Al-Habashna obtained the Honorable Mention at the DEVS PhD Dissertation Award (presented at the SpringSim conference, Tucson, AZ).
- Dr. Cristina Ruiz obtained the Best DEVS PhD Dissertation Award (presented at the SpringSim conference, Tucson, AZ).
- News clipping: “Here’s How We Built a Vibrant Research Community Around Simulation for Architecture”.
- Interview about the history of the SIMAUD conference.
- Prof. Wainer is Recognized by Association for Computer Machinery
- Prof. Wainer and Students have an article written about their work on Fighting Forest Fires with Modelling and Simulation
- Article about Prof. Wainer’s keynote at INFONOR’18, Iquique, Chile (in Spanish)
- Daniel Melean, supervised by Prof. Wainer during his M.Eng Project, obtained the FIRST University Senate Medal for M.Eng students at Carleton University
- Dr. Cristina Ruiz Martin obtained the Senate Medal at Carleton Univerity for her PhD thesis.
- “Analyzing the effect of LTE-A Transmission Parameters on Video Streaming Quality of Experience”, by A. Al-Habashna, S. Fernandes, and G. Wainer obtained the Best Paper Award in CNS’18 and Overall Runner-Up Best Paper Award at the 2018 Spring Sim Conference.
- M. Tavanpour has been selected as Finalist for the Best DEVS Modelling and Simulation Ph.D Dissertation Award.
- Daniella Niyonkuru featured in the Globe and Mail.
- Prof. Wainer receiving a Canada 150 Anniversary Medal from Nepean MP Chandra Arya, which recognizes residents of Nepean who have made a difference/excelled professionally.
- Daniela Niyonkuru has an article written in #iEngineering, Women in Science and Engineering
- Daniella Niyonkuru, former student and researcher has a poster at the Ottawa Airport.
- “On Crowd Modelling”. Sim4All; Old Dominion University-VMASC.
- Daniella Niyonkuru stars in a video on helping women chose engineering as a career.
- D. Niyonkuru interviewed by Innovation Canada on her research in embedded systems.
- O. Hesham receives the Best Paper Award at SimAUD with “Context-Sensitive Personal Space for Dence Crowd Simulation”.
- “Formal Modeling and Simulation to Analyze Malware Propagation in Networks Using Cell-DEVS” at SpringSim2017 wins Runner-Up Best Paper Award.
- Article on WinterSim 50 – Prof. Wainer, Program Chair.
- Prof. Wainer is a Keynote Speaker at the PhD Colloquium during Wintersim 2016
- SummerSim 2016 Runner-up Best Paper Award: A. Al-Habashna and G. Wainer. “Improving Video Transmission in Cellular Networks with Cached and Segmented Video Download Algorithms”.
- “Particles for Interactive Crowd Simulation”, received the Best Paper Award at 2016 Summer Simulation Conference.
- Prof. Wainer named as SCS Fellow for his work on Simulation.
- Gabriel Wainer Named Winner of Simulation Distinguished Service Award.
- Gabriel Wainer receives a Major Award from the Society for Modeling and Simulation.
- Daniella Niyonkuru is a finalist of Carleton’s 3 minute thesis competition.
- Cristina Ruiz Martin wins the Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award
- S. Wang wins the Outstanding Chinese Students Award.
- Prof. Wainer is one of the 2014 Research Achievement Award Winners
- Prof. Wainer Wins SCS Professional Achievement Award
- Dr. Qi Liu, ARSLab Alumnus, was interviewed about his current work as a researcher in industry. Read the interview here.
- Prof. Wainer wins the Distinguished Professional Achievement Award by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS).
- Dr. Rodrigo Castro (co-supervised by Prof. Wainer) won the Best DEVS Modeling and Simulation Ph.D. Dissertation Award 2013. Mohammad Moallemi (supervised by Prof. Wainer) won the Runner-Up Award.
- News article at Tiempo Argentino about Prof. Wainer’s research at Carleton (in Spanish).
- Dr. Qi Liu (supervised by Prof. Wainer) won the Best DEVS Modeling and Simulation Ph.D. Dissertation Award (Spring Simulation Conference; Symposium of Theory of Modeling and Simulation 2012). Dr. K. Al-Zoubi won the Runner-Up Award.
- News clipping at Daily Exchange Magazine: the Advanced Real-Time Lab team presented the lab’s research at Carleton’s All Things Digital.
- Prof. Wainer received the Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award recognizing faculty “who render exceptional service to graduate students as supervisors and research mentors”.
- Mohammad Moallemi and Shafagh Jafer have been featured at Carleton Now
- Interview: CIPS Connections
- Prof. Wainer and his students A. Ahmed and M. Moallemi obtained the runner-up Best Paper Award on the Summer Computer Simulation Conference 2011 for their paper entitled “VCELL: A 3D Real-time Visual Simulation in Support of Combat”.
- M. Moallemi and Prof. Wainer win the Best Paper Award at the Symposium of Theory of Computer Simulation 2011 (of 91 submissions).
- Prof. Wainer wins the Outstanding Professional Contribution Award given by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). The committee decided to recommend Prof. Wainer for this award for his contributions to advancing the state-of-the-art of discrete-event modeling and real-time simulation. (Article)
- Article on SCS Outstanding Professional Award (Ottawa Citizen)
- The paper “Advanced IDE for Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems” (by M. Bonaventura, G. Wainer, R. Castro) was the runner-up Best Paper Award (of 350 submissions) for Springsim 2010 in Orlando Florida .
- ARSLab 4th Year Student interviewed for IT Manager Connection: Team MOSA and Team Friendly Neighborhood.
- Watch the award-winning video (AAAI 2010) by Michael Floyd and Babak Esfandiari here (the robotics examples found in the video have been filmed in the ARS lab).
- Best Paper Award: the paper “Applying the TPS Method To Modeling And Simulation Of Biological Systems” (by R. Goldstein, N. Farran, H. Yigang, S. Lissari, G. Wainer) was the runner-up Best Paper Award for the 2010 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. 2010 (of 152 submissions).
- Prof. Wainer is a winner of The First Bernard P. Zeigler DEVS Modeling and Simulation award. Pictures of the ceremony can be found here.
- Prof. Wainer is featured in CanalAR (check the news here – in Spanish)
- Prof. Wainer is featured in the Argentinian news (check the news here – in Spanish)
- New book on Discrete-Event Simulation Book on Discrete-Event Simulation Ranked #1 in the Modeling and Simulation category at Amazon on August 14, 2009).

- Qi Liu nominated as finalist for the OCRI Awards “Student Researcher of the year” award.
- News clipping at the Ottawa Business Journal, Mediacaster
- Qi Liu interviewed by Adrian Harewood (All in a day; CBC Radio One, March 23rd 2007).
- Shafagh Jafer obtained a Precarn Scholarship (The Ottawa Citizen)
- QA&Test 2006 Embedded Systems Europe; Cio Spain; Estrategia Empresarial (in Spanish)
- Collaborative work with CIMS Be.com ; Yvelines ; Profetic (in French)
- Inside Tucson Business Journal Collaboration with the University of Arizona (part of Carleton’s delegation to UofA)
- Qi Liu obtained a Senate Medal for Academic Achievement
- Qi Liu and Rami Madhoun obtained Precarn Scholarships
- Prof. Wainer’s research highlighted at The Ottawa Citizen
- Prof. Wainer wins a Research Achievement Award – Carleton NOW
- TV Interview at The New RO
- News Clipping: New Tools to Study Forest Fires, Traffic Jams, & Other Problems. In Newswise news release about Fire Spread modelling. Also in ACM TechNews.
- In the News – August 2004 – Carleton NOW
- La Nacion – En la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), los bits … (interview in Spanish)
- Information Technology (interview in Spanish).
- News clipping at The Ottawa Citizen